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Job Name:SeaHen Launchpad
Foreman:Travis WENRICK
Job Address:216 Shuskan Way
Everett WA
United States
Map It
Inspected By:Jennifer Moreau
Employees on Site:

Nghia Nguyen, Travis w, Spencer c, Mike white, Noah b, Marco Castillo, Justin c, Matt George, Mike goe, Jose s, Eric H.

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Check the appropriate box and explain items that need attention in the comments section.

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Personal Protective Equipment - PPE

Are employees wearing job and task appropriate PPE?Yes
Are employees wearing hearing protection in areas where noise levels exceed 85db?N/A
Are employees wearing respiratory protection in accordance with the manufacturers SDS?N/A
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Fall Protection

Are employees wearing appropriate fall protection where a fall hazard exceeds 4' or more?Yes
Are Fall Protection Work Plans being completed for all fall hazards 10' and above?Yes
Are fall protection devices and equipment in serviceable condition?Yes
Are fall protection devices and equipment being used correctly?Yes
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Are ladders in serviceable condition, and are the inspections documented on the Ladder Inspection Checklist?N/A
Are extension ladders secured at the top and bottom, extending at least 36" above the landing point and set to a proper pitch of 4:1?N/A
Are ladders being used correctly?N/A
Have Scaffold components been inspected for visible defects by a competent person prior to use?N/A
Comments:No ladders were being used
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Has the MEWP been inspected, and has the inspection been documented on the MEWP Pre Use Checklist?Yes
Are the MEWPS being used appropriately?Yes
Are employees using fall protection inside the MEWPS when required?Yes
Are operators and occupants trained and authorized to use the MEWP?Yes
Comments:Did on site Mewp training hands on with Eric Henderson
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Are there clear and safe routes for ingress and egress to and from work areas?Yes
Are floor holes/penetrations protected, marked and secured?Yes
Are work areas clean and orderly?Yes
Is material stored or positioned to prevent tipping or falling?Yes
Have extension cords been inspected for visible defects and wear?Yes
Comments:1 was taken out of survive due to missing ground
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First Aid & Emergency Preparedness

Does the job box contain the following inspected and fully stocked items: BBP kit, First Aid Kit and 2 eve wash bottles?Yes
Is the evacuation plan and rally point displayed and understood by all employees?Yes
Are Emergency numbers posted?Yes
Is there a jobsite First Aid Station?Yes
Where is the nearest Hospital/Urgent Care facility?Concentra urgent care
Does the job have an onsite medic?No
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If yes, name and phone number:

List all HBI employees who are certified in First Aid and CPR:
  • Travis wenrick
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Have all employees read and signed the Site-Specific Safety Plan?N/A
Are Pre-Task Plans (PTP) being done daily?N/A
Are Toolbox Talks/Safety Meetings being conducted weekly?Yes
Have all employees been orientated to the jobsite?Yes
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Is there sufficient lighting on the job, and proper task lighting being used in work areas where necessary?Yes
Are portable fire extinguishers in accessible locations and in serviceable condition?Yes
Are the bathroom facilities, and hand washing stations operable and sanitary?Yes
Are all employees participating in stretch and flex daily?Yes
Comments:Every day at 6am held by skanska
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Comments/Corrective Action Taken

Comments/Corrective Action Taken:

Had an employee on a lift while he was putting on a fitting, he did not turn the lift off. Had him stop work, and we talked about the importance of hit red render it dead, or turn off the lift while wiring once in possession to avoid moving on accident or pinch point if accidentally bumping the controls

Inspector Signature:
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